The Mtendere Hospital is a non profit organization. The standard of services provided and the very low fees applied can be maintained thanks to the help of private wellwishers who send donations in kind and/or in money.

We welcome any donations and we thank you in advance for whatever you might be able to do for Mtendere and his patients.

You can send your aid in general, or espress your preference for one of the following new projects:


1) Buying a ScanScope, a compact high-performance new digital scanner for hystological and cytological  slides that allows us to improve the performance of our service of telepathology.




2) Enhancing the laboratory equipment with the adoption of a bench top analyser for heterogeneous immunoassays..



3) Building a semidetached house for new qualified staff that is requested to cope with the increasing working load.

Here are the bank details you'll need:

Investrust house Plot No 4527/8
Freedom Way
P.O. Box 32344
Lusaka Zambia

Account No 01003567
Mtendere Mission Hospital - Chirundu

For any enquire please contact us at

Thank you in advance...

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