Malaria has been identified as the chief cause of illness and death in our country Zambia and indeed our catchment area.

In the year 2004 more than 25 % of the patients admitted to the hospital were affected by malaria and 34% of the patients at O.P.D. had malaria.

The total number of cases registered in 2004 was 8,375 and the mortality due to Malaria  was the 28% of the affected patients admitted in the hospital.

To control and prevent the epidemic we ensure the effective implementation of insecticide treated bednets distribution programme.

The programme offers insecticide treated bednets to the community at subsidised prices, as well as education about the importance of using the nets for all the family members.

In a particular way the programme targets vulnerable people, under five children, antenatal mothers, chronically ill patients and under privileged villagers.

The programme is headed by one environmental health technologist with the support of trained community health workers based in every villages. A malaria drama group has been formed to spread the information in the villages through demonstration, sketches, songs as well as interpersonal aproach

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